Late notes on Zimbabwe
Random thoughts and notes on Zim a couple days after leaving. Most
would apply to Botswana as well although that country seems on the way
up and Zim on the way down.
River rafting guide is a highly sought after, well paid career.
Western CD's go for $25, used.
There were no bustling markets in pirate media like you would find in Asia.
$100/month is the baseline for a desirable competitive job.
There are about Z$100,000 to the USD. The notes used are primarily
Z$20,000. The print so many they leave one side blank.
There are 50 cent slots in the casino. Thats 50 zim cents. All
addicted gamblers should be sent there with 10 USD.
I had offers to trade random crafts for everything I was wearing or
carrying, with seemingly no correlation to value.
I was never actually threatened.
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